Jekyll-Uno - a minimal, responsive theme for Jekyll
I decied to convert my site over to Jekyll from Ghost and host it with Github Pages. This allows all my content to live in static files and be built automatically by GitHub. My hope is that with this simplification (and automation) I might actually post a little more this year. …
Host a static Ghost blog on GitHub using Buster
I have really enjoyed the simplicity of the Ghost blogging system and wanted to use it for my personal site. But I also enjoyed the ease of hosting with GitHub Pages so I needed to find a way to generate a static version of a Ghost blog. Luckily someone already had a handy little tool for the job called Buster. …
River Raid Classic
Last fall I had some free time and decided to try my hand at game development again. I have been working in the mobile space for the past couple of years so I thought I’d leverage a language that was already in my daily rountine. So I went with JavaScript. I liked the idea of having the flexibility of running the game from a web browser and being able to run it natively with the help of a wrapper. I also was interested in seeing how one of these JavaScript gaming frameworks held up. So, after a little research, I decided to go with Phaser for the framework and CocoonJs for the native wrapper. …
Pebble Watchapp: Premier League Scores
I got a new Pebble watch for Christmas this year and I, of course, wanted to be able to keep up-to-date on the latest Premier League scores with this new gadget. But unfortunately there were not any good app options to make that happen. So, being the good developer that I am, I decided to just make an app myself. …
How to add your profile photo to a page in Ghost
I thought with the new year I should spruce up my online presence. So I decided a new site was in order. I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve seen with Ghost so I decided to have a go with it. It’s been smooth sailing so far and I’ve come across a few tricks that I thought I should share one. …